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Elszigetelt hagyomány - a hagyományőrzés szigete
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Bartók Cultural Dance Ensemble first submitted its application for ERASMUS+ adult education in 2014. After the first successful application the ensemble continued its work in 2015 when its application got sponsored again. This year we would like to continue our international projects with a more modest project involving one mobility with a few of our colleagues as participants. The novelty of this year’s application is that we would like to cooperate with a real Sardinian community living in a special region of Italy, Sardinia instead of a Hungarian establishment living abroad. The goals of this project are twofold. On the one hand the primary purpose of our dance company is to learn from the traditional dance company of Macomer community since our dance company’s goal is vitalize and popularize the folk dance traditions. On the other hand the other purpose of this application is to study the strategy and the leadership of the institution; to exchange expertise regarding the management and the daily running of the companies. Four people will participate in this project as it requires four people to acquire and pass on the the typical Sardinian chain-round dances. Three people out of the four participants were involved in and are currently members of the management of the Bartók Dance Ensemble. One member of the delegation is a professional folk dance educator, another member is the leader of the adult beginner group of Bartók Dance Ensemble. All of the participants are qualified dancers who have been members of the dance company for at least five years.The mobility of this project will take place in the summer of 2016. During the one week mobility the participants will learn Sardinian dances from the dancers of the host institution. They will become acquainted with the vocal and instrumental folk music, the traditional wear of the dances and the basics of the ethnography and dance folklore of the region.The result of the mobility is that the participants acquire the main types of the Sardinian folk dances which they will teach to the rest of the Bartók Dance Ensemble after arrival. The Sardinian dances show kinship with the chain-round dances of some communities of the Hungarian dance traditions (the Csango dances). By comparing and contrasting these dances we will have a more subtle picture about European dance traditions. An important result of the mobility will be the echange of experience with the management of the Sardinian company, the lessons of which we will incorporate into our dance group.We plan a long term cooperation with the dance company of Macomer. The effect of the project is the beginning of a cultural dialog. We hope that we can accomplish our projects in the future with opportunities such as this application.



1 Participants partenaires