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Élèves en difficulté: une approche différenciée
Date du début: 1 juin 2015,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2016
Jean Monnet secondary school is situated in the countryside. There are 500 pupils in our school, including students with learning difficulties and disabled ones who are taught by specialized teachers but they are also included in ordinary classes for some subjects. Moreover, it has been necessary to create special groups (ex: tutorings) to help students of ordinary classes who have some problems at some point to follow the lessons because of their difficulties, their dyslexia...
The school took part in a Comenius project from 2012 to 2014 as a coordinator.
If we take into account all these particularities and experiences, the teachers have decided to go a bit further: we wanted to analyse and compare how learning difficulties are handled in Europe and more specifically in Romania as we have already had some positive contacts with specialized teachers in this country.
That is why we would like to build KA2 project partnerships.
More precisely, we wanted to take part in a training offered by Intercultural Iceland (learning by doing) which proposes a brand new approach of the treatment of school heterogeneity and learning difficulties. This training will be the opportunity to establish in our school the CLIM (Competences and Cooperative Learning in Multicultural groups) to allow interdisciplinarity, the development of new competences (for students AND teachers), a new way of working by groups, a new approach of the treatment of learning difficulties and the "living together" experience that we want to developp in our school project.
Finally, as there will be a change in the way we assess students (end of marks for instance) we will be able to think of a new assessment. Such a project would handle our school project and it will be the opportunity to reinforce its European dimension and develop our desire to deal with learning difficulties in a more enriching and concrete / practical way.
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