Rechercher des projets européens

El inglés como área transversal en el trabajo por currículum integrado (proyectos)
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"ENGLISH AS CROSS AREA AT WORK FOR INTEGRATED CURRICULUM (PROJECTS)" The project is a great opportunity to improve the linguistic and methodological level of our school teachers. This improvement provides the ability to incorporate multilingualism to the centre educational line, promoting the use of English across multiple school projects. The school strategic objective is to improve the linguistic competence of our students, oral and written level. We understand that either the teacher training improvement, and the possibility of extending the use of the foreign language, will contribute to our objectives achievement. TRAINING AS A TOOL TO STRENGTHEN THE SCHOOL STRATEGIC OBJETIVES Two aspects of training are defined according to our needs and strategic objectives: -Improved language proficiency of non-specialist foreign language teachers, so that they can extend the multilingualism in the centre, incorporating the use of foreign language in a larger number of projects. Three professionals will attend training courses for 14 days in the UK during the second term of the year 15-16. -Improve specialist teachers training in non-language subjects. The CLIL training should provide an extension of resources and innovative methodology to extend the target language to different areas level tools also promoting important transferable skills for learning in the 21st century. WHAT BENEFITS ARE EXPECTED WITH THE PROJECT? -Improving the inguistic competence and also the quality of activities in a foreign language, that will influence the quality of teaching. -Expand multilingualism in our daily activities. -Strengthen eTwinning projects as well as expanding the ICT use. -Booster the European dimension. -Improve students language proficiency through the CLIL methodology.

