Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Introduction The 2nd Laboratory/Workshop Centre (LC) of Nea Ionia Magnesia is the technical and laboratorial assistance and support of the 1st EPAL (Technical School), EPAS (Vocational School), 4rth EPAL and IEK (Post-Secondary Institute) of Volos, with the 32 laboratories and workshops and the 56 teachers of various specialties it caters for. Among the duties of our LC is the search for partners abroad to act as hosts for a group of teachers to train on special fields and improve their knowledge and qualifications through the Erasmus+ Leonardo projects. Within this duty and through the ΚΝΧ Association, we found the KNX Training center of Ivory Egg in U.K. in order a small team of staff (10 teachers) with the proper disciplinary background to train and be certified in the KNX technique in this centre. Therefore the 2nd LC will be the sending partner and the KNX Training center of Ivory Egg in U.K will be the receiving partner. What is the KNX technique? KNX is a standardized (EN 50090 , ISO/IEC 14543 ), OSI -based network communications protocol for intelligent buildings . KNX is the successor to, and convergence of, three previous standards: the European Home Systems Protocol (EHS), BâtiBUS , and the European Installation Bus (EIB or Instabus ). The KNX standard is administered by the KNX Association . Whether in a single-family house or in an office complex, the demand for comfort and versatility in the management of air-conditioning, lighting and access control systems is growing. At the same time, the efficient use of energy is becoming increasingly important. The Answer for all these are the technique KNX – the Worldwide STANDARD for Home and Building Control Details of the Project In the project entitled – ‘Training of teachers in KNX technique’, will take part teachers of the sectors of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science of 2nd Laboratory/Workshop Centre (LC) of Nea Ionia Magnesia Region in Central Greece This project covers the needs for teachers’ lifelong learning and training, following the rapid development of technology nowadays, in order to respond to the requirements of modern education. Due to the fact that the local community surrounding the co-located schools is largely based on the industrial and investment business and companies/factories which draw their workforce from our students, makes it an urgent need to blend the best European techniques - practices in the field of Vocational Education. Teachers participating in the project are all from technical disciplines with recognized expertise in education policy, expertise and guidance in the labor market, and willingness for continuous training. The main objectives of the project are: a) The KNX Basic course is the first course that one must attend in order to become a KNX Partner and in order to be listed as a KNX Partner on the KNX website. These courses are organized by more than 250 Certified KNX Training Centres all around the world. The following topics are conveyed during a KNX Basic course: KNX Project Design ETS Professional: Basic KNX Project Design ETS Professional: Advanced KNX Commissioning ETS KNX Diagnostics & Trouble Shooting ETS KNX System arguments KNX Communication KNX TP Topology KNX TP Telegram KNX Bus devices KNX TP Installation Course details At the end of the KNX Basic course there is a theoretical and practical exam in order to test the course participant’s basic KNX knowledge. Prerequisite to follow the course: None Duration of course: 30 hours Training documentation: standardized Notes to pass both exams: 50 % Course given by: KNX Certified Tutor b) Exchange of information and practices to improve services, machinery, construction and c) The dialogue of experts (qualified teaching staff and corporate) on know-how - automation technology and security systems. The place of implementation of the mobility plan was chosen to be the U.K. city of Chichester. The development of the activities of the project starts immediately after the finish of the school year 2014 - 2015 (second or third week of June 2015) because we do not want to create any inconveniences to the supporting schools. The expected outcome of the project relate to the research and exploration of best infrastructure and expertise and the dissemination of information on labor market needs, in order to create or improve the operation of new or updated - modernized specialties. Accordingly, the results of the project activities will be diffused through dissemination workshops in the local community, pupils, parents, teachers, local businesses, agencies and organizations. Furthermore, by the use of multimedia, we will be allowed to transfer in real and virtual time everything that will happen during the project. Streaming media, photographs, documents, filming and anything else considered necessary by the group of participating teachers will serve as a source of knowledge and dissemination of information.



1 Participants partenaires