Rechercher des projets européens

Ekonomia w szkolnej ławce
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The predominant intention of the "Economics at school desk " project is to enrich both the knowledge and qualifications of teachers of English language. The participants will take part in a two-week business language course in Malta. The course will be offered to four selected teachers who will enhance their knowledge of business English and who will absorb innovative teaching techniques. Those who participate in the course will benefit from the opportunity to develop their language skills and interchange their pedagogical and educational expertise with other partakers. The desired intention of the project is to support professional development aimed at introducing innovation and improving teaching quality. This course has also been designed to raise the awareness and understanding of multicultural context and increase the capacity, attractiveness and international dimension of organizations. This course also promotes the idea of lifelong learning. The participants of the project will benefit from its advantages and values. The course will not only boost their competences in Business language teaching, but it will also initiate an international method of qualifications improvement.This course will grant the whole educational institution unprecedented ideas. The students will be educated by highly qualified and enthusiastic staff. In addition to this the participation in the project would generate a network of new international contacts that could develop new initiatives in the forthcoming future.Each participant of the project will receive a Europass Mobility document.The results of the project will be implemented by continuous pedagogical innovation and its outcomes will be disseminated both within as well as outside of school environment.

