Rechercher des projets européens

Einführung des bilingualen Unterrichts als erste Phase zur Internationalisierung der Schule
Date du début: 10 août 2014, Date de fin: 9 août 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

It is aimed to introduce bilingual lessons in several subjects and cross- curricular teaching. The for one year planned project should improve the teachers` skills concerning the variety of methods and media. Furthermore we intend to increase the motivation and acceptance of our pupils towards people of foreign countries and to improve their language skills. We are going to send one teacher to take part in the CLIL-course. She should learn about new methods of teaching and be enabled to use new media. E-Twinning should definitely be part of the project. Other interested teachers will be informed about the project and can take part in it. The results and possible improvements will be discussed in regular meetings. In the long term we hope that the use of new methods and media will motivate our school / students to get into contact with foreign schools/students - a exchange programme would be possible ,too - and our teaching will be more relevant and motivating for teachers and pupils.

