Rechercher des projets européens

Einfluss der Migration auf die Personalstruktur im europäischen Tourismus
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The idea of the Erasmus+ project is to send young people to different European countries to gain experience in the various companies or hotels of the European Union. The participants are supposed to evaluate the impact of migration on the staff in European tourism. Apart from that the participants should improve their foreign language competences, understand cultural differences and learn how to show tolerance regarding foreign nations. Moreover they ought to gain practical experience by working in a company or hotel in a foreign country. Besides this the students get to know distinct European traditions, values and beliefs. While working abroad they are in contact with two teachers of their school who support them whenever they require any help. The benefits for the participants are the improvement of their language skills, their intercultural skills and all the positive experience they get while working and living in a foreign country. 17students of the HLW are participating in this project. All of them have the needed level of English as a first foreign language (B1).Some of them have had Italian as a second foreign language (A2) and some others have had French (A2). During their stay the interns are in permanent contact with the teachers who are responsible for the project via email or telephone. Some of the hotels will be inspected by the caring teachers who function as supervisors.



7 Participants partenaires