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"Egy év az életemből neked"- MMSz önkéntes program
Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta (HCSOM) was founded on February 4, 1989, as a not-for-profit NGO whose core mission is based on voluntary action in the true sense of the word as most of its first employees were unpaid individuals who willingly sacrificed their free time and energy to serve those in need. Our project plan for 2015-2016 is to host 15 young EVS volunteers for a 12-month service in 12 different institutions of ours in the field of social care services. The learning mobility of individual young people enhances key competencies at 12 volunteering sites with increasing their sense of solidarity and developing their social skill while they provide support for the disabled, the elderly, the socially and economically disadvantaged children and their families, and the homeless people in 9 settlements across the country (Budapest, Győr, Keszthely, Nagykanizsa, Kecskemét, Fehérgyarmat, Erk, Tarnabod, and Debrecen). The majority of the young volunteers come to Hungary after taking their school leaving exams, some of them decide to do EVS after graduating. Our young volunteers are mostly from Germany, the UK, Portugal, Spain, Poland, and Belgium. To select and prepare them, we cooperate with 7 sending organizations as partners, thus building up a strong network of sending, receiving, and coordinating organizations. The project’s duration is 18 months, starting on July 01, 2015 while the project ending date is Januar 01, 2017, with each volunteer doing a 12-month placement. We support their work and individual development by trainings, seminars, foreign language course, mentoring, supervision, one-to-one discussions, and being in continuous contact with them. We devise individual improvement plants together with the volunteers and regularly check on it. During their placement their key competencies are improved and their social sensitivity increases. The one year voluntary service greatly contributes to the volunteers’ future employability, can make them stand a bigger chance at getting job opportunities or admission to university or college, while enhancing their professional skills. The project strengthens the network of the cooperating partner organizations from different EU countries, it decreases the distance between cultures, and dissolves the occasional prejudices. Thus it highly contributes to the realisation of the meaning of the famous EU motto “United in diversity”.



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