Rechercher des projets européens

EFD zum geschichtlichen Bewusstsein und kulturellem Vergleich
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The archaeological park in Xanten (short form APX) is an independent department of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland, which is a big regional councilfor the Rhineland. It is the germany's biggest archaeological open-air museum. In 2008 the park has been extended by the museum of roman history. Since thirteen years volunteers from germany can do an voluntary service in the apx and since ten years they have got volunteers from all over europe. Each year one european volunteer has the possibilty to make an evs in the apx. In the archaeological park in Xanten young people from all over the world have the chance to get to know the roman history of the region and at the same time to be involved in how we can convey history. The organizations wants to start a process , where the volunteer raises through practical and theoretical work with the roman settlement an awareness about the short history of european nations. Through the position of Xanten in the Euregio Rhein-Waal there are many visitors from the netherlands in the apx Each year in summer the archaeological park offers for 4 weeks an 'international archaeological summer academy' for archaeology students from europe and overseas. All members of staff have always valued in particular the personal exchange with young people of non-German origins. The EVS program offers the chance to the volunteer to work in many different divisions first named the excavation but they are also able to plan small projects in restoration, public relation and museums pedagogy. For the project exists a master plan where all questions of organization and responsibilities are fixed. To give a small summary of the master plan we want to focus the following facts: - The sending organisation is responsible for all kind of information to the volunteer in the pre-departure Situation and after the returning. -The coordinating organization is responsible for all kind of organization while the volunteer stays in germany. They do the networking between all partners, are responsible for the pedagogical part (e.g. organization of six seminars for the volunteers), financial and administory questions, the living situation of the volunteer and for the evaluation of the project. - The project in Xanten is responsible for the support in Xanten, in all questions in case of the working and learning situation in the project and for the learning targets, which we have fixed together with the volunteer and the project at the beginning of the year. The project in xanten has been created on the fundament of the EVS-Charta. The project wants to transporte young people in an active way more knowledge about the working fields of archaeology, monument preservation, european awareness, the history of art and culture, working in a team, intercultural learning, the rearing to independent personalities and ecological learning. For the future we want create better conditions in the following sections: - international exchange of different culture and history, - european awareness - responsible, creative teamplayer - people who have a positiv way of thinking in the field of life-long-learning



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