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Educational Enterprising - Environmental Work Opportunity with Communication and Adventure
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

In July 2014 we are bringing 30 young people together from three different countries (Romania, Germany and Estonia). The youth exchange will last for 18 days, from 4th July to 23th July. In these days we have planned several different activities. The project will mostly take place in South-Estonia in Palupõhja Looduskool (Natureschool). Our goal is to improve communication between different cultures through adventure activities and to give the youngsters an experience working in a team and supporting each other. We also have planned an adventure on water, which will offer youngster the opportunity to get to know themselves better. We will use different ice-breaking and team building games to make the team more united. Through different workshops we will have a chance to learn things like fishing, bread baking, collecting different herbs. Talking and learning about all three cultures will give the participants a better view about these countries, about tolerance and how to be a better European citizen. Each day will end with an analysis, so everyone could have the chance to think and talk about the things they experienced during that day. At the end of the project we will summarize all the skills that the youngsters learned and it will be validated by the youthpass which they can use in the future.



2 Participants partenaires