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Education is a choice - exchange experiences 3
Date du début: 12 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 11 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Education is a choice - exchange experiences 3" is an educational mobility project addressed at students of Zespół Szkół nr 1 in Wieluń. Within the project framework, internships will be undertaken by 45 students of our school, learning to work in the following professions: gastronomic services specialist, logistics specialist, landscape architect, finance and banking technician, construction specialist and economist. The participants will spend 4 weeks in Italy German, Portugal, or Malta.The project constitutes an answer to high requirements faced by people looking for jobs, as well as to the reality of our local labour market, which may prove too small to provide jobs for all students educated in Wieluń. This is why the project aims at increasing professional qualifications of our students and preparing them for professional mobility they might need to exhibit in the future. The project will also allow them to gain or improve skills related to foreign languages, communicativeness and teamwork. Participation in the project is meant to have an impact on further professional development of students by motivating them to continuous education and imbuing them with active approach to managing their own development.The project provides for a preparatory phase before the actual internships take place. It will consist of cultural and linguistic training courses that will help students benefit as much as possible from their participation in the project. A separate element of this phase will be a pedagogical preparation which is designed to help choose appropriate internship placement for each participant. Upon students' return we will conduct evaluation of the project and disseminate its results. The correct execution of the project and realization of its goals will be ensured through well-designed management process and communication with partners.



4 Participants partenaires