Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 22 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 21 nov. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Thirty youths from Friends of the Earth Malta (FoE) and Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation (BINCO) will be implementing this youth exchange project in Malta during September 2016. We shall be holding a preparatory meeting in Malta before the start of the exchange to make sure everything is in place before we start the project. All participants are graduates or university biology students in their final years of studying biology at a degree/diploma level. We are all youths who are interested in pursuing a career in this field and would like to improve our hands-on experience with gathering ecological data.The main objectives of this project:-enhanced employability of participants through gaining tangible skills (e.g. analytical skills, public speaking skills, knowledge of scientific equipment used for ecological activities) - and also by learning to better present such skills, through the Youthpass certificate and Europass CV-raising awareness and appreciation of cultural differences-promoting the role youths can have in environmental conservation efforts-improved knowledge of career prospects in the field of biology-improved mathematical competences-active involvement of participants in outreach and advocacy activities-raising awareness and appreciation of ecological diversity among participants and target groupsOur target groups will be: - environmental NGOs- university lecturers- professionals in the field- ecology experts- decision-makers- members of the public (especially youths)We shall be having several different activities, including discussions, career counseling, public outreach activities during which we will organise interactive activities for school-age children, youths and the public. We will promote courses and jobs in the fields of biology, ecology and the environment in general. The main event of our project is a bioblitz event open to the public during which we shall be going through a natural habitat in Malta along with interested members of the public to catalogue the different species of flora and fauna there. We will later compile the data through interactive workshops during which we will learn how to present data through charts. These interactive workshops will allow us to implement in practice principles we learned at university, while learning more tangibly how ecological reports are compiled. All in all the project will promote our employability and our skills, and we will finish the exchange by learning how to present these skills in a Youthpass certificate and Europass CV. As follow up measures we shall be promoting our project results through social media, local media and presenting our ecological data report to Belgian and Maltese MEPs in Brussels. Our Belgian partners will be presenting the report to these MEPs. Our project results will be disseminated through articles in local newspapers and student magazines in Malta and Belgium, as well as through social media and our organisations' websites. We shall be using the websites of environmental NGOs in Malta to also promote our project and bioblitz event. The bioblitz event will also be live-blogged to generate more interest in our project.



1 Participants partenaires