Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 13 avr. 2011,

The project "ecoCitizens", organised by youngsters of Europejskie Forum M odzie y, incooperation with 9 other partner organisations from different parts of Europe and Asia is a multilateralyouth exchange that will bring together youngsters from different countries all over Europe with themain goal of exchanging ideas and practices about how to use natural sources like wind, sun, earth,water to produce energy with the point of view from different experiences in other countries. Also {heywill rise their awareness of how to take care of.the environment by paying attention on the behaviourin daily life containing the topic of recycling for'example. The participants will recognize tljatsustainable development is an important issue that concerns ¡every country in the world and is notlimited by country borders. ' A number of 40 youngsters will meet in Poland and discuss about different possibilities how'tcj, protect the environment and how to avoid pollution in by changing and paying attention to the own behaviour. They will have the chance to share, present and exchange already existing knowledge about renewable energy resources and natural protection that they have and increase their knowledge by learning more in the discussion with specialists and youngsters from other nationalities. In this case they will also find out more about the situation about the environment in other countries. This constellation gives them the change to improve the situation in their own country by learning from each other and to get new ideas and increase their knowledge. In intercultural groups they will discover and develop new ideas and will get encouraged by group dynamic activities like outdoor sport activities. They will realize that environmental protection concerns not just one country or one part of the world and that it is an important issue all over the continents. The participants will gain important knowledge about their responsibilities and rights that they have as "ecoCitizens" of this world.The entire project sets as general objectives:- raising the awareness about existing environmental problems and solutions in general for 40youngsters from all partner- and partner neighbouring countries by inviting them to take part inactivities that focus on gaining knowledge about ecology, pollution, recycling, natural resources- and sustainable development - bringing together in a project a number of 40 youngsters an , 10 leaders from different countries together in order to encourage them to work together on developing new ideas for a more consciously behaviour related to the environment- to achieve this goal, different types of activities will be used : outdoor activities, physical work, sport activities, debates, workshops, exchange experiences and knowledge, discussions in the group and with specialists from local institutions related to environmental work, different types of team work, work in intercultural groups, presenting the results by creating a final exhibition- promoting the idea of organizing and taking part in environmental information campaigns in different parts of Europe for a number of 40 participants by bringing them together by a project that facilitates communication and exchange of innovative practices and ideasThe project will take place for eight days between 13th of June 2011 and 20th of June 2011. The participants will be hosted in a small town in Poland, where they will take part in activities designed for, raising their awareness about the importance of behaving more consciously to protect the environment and tó ensure the sustainable development inside and beyond Europe. AThe provisional schedule focuses on discussions and workshops regarding the topic of "How can we manage environmental protection in our daily lives? ". The next step in the.schedule will be applying these principles to our connection to the nature and the environment in general.


9 Participants partenaires