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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

CONTEXT / BACKGROUND:Our project focuses on the problem of youth sport entrepreneurship.In the last decades we have witnessed to the growth of sport while business, becoming one of the most profitable on a global scale. This business is booming in particular in the sector of leisure and has been accompanied by levels of requirement, quality and higher complexity, which make the entry in this labour market increasingly difficult.In result of the nature of the activity itself, in sport there aren’t high unemployment rates, however, the vast majority of young people presents a fairly precarious work situation, without any expectation of improvement and/or career.We believe therefore that a project to design and test mechanisms, dynamics, specific tools and methodologies for the stimulus to youth sport entrepreneurship, contributes to the emergence of innovative projects of services and products, with a view to the expansion of the market and to the recovery of professions in the area of sport with the consequent increased employability in this area, subsequently reaching the strategies Europe 2020 of sustained growth and employability.OBJECTIVES:The main goal is the sharing of good practice and dissemination of results in the area of youth sport entrepreneurship, using as a basis the results obtained in the project Entrepreneurship4Sport.PARTNERS:Asociación Galega de Xestores Deportivos (AGAXEDE)Associação Portuguesa de Gestão do Desporto (APOGESD)Asociación de Gestores del Deporte Castilla Y León (AGEDECYL)Asociación Gestores Deportivos de Extremadura (AGEDEX)Asociación Gestores Deportivos Principado de Asturias (FORUM ASTUR)PARTICIPANTS:The participants will be 8 youth workers who demonstrate interest and willingness to actively participate in the activities and that will subsequently coordinate and implement the project activities.Will be also 32 young people aged between 18 and 30 years old who demonstrate interest and willingness to actively participate in the activities and who have little experience in entrepreneurship and multicultural. All will be young holders of fewer opportunities and will be respected to gender equality.ACTIVITIES:A) Planning and management meetings: 1. transnational meetings; 2. online meetings; 3. technical meetings.B) Production of contents: 1. production of internet media; 2. production of support materials; 3. production of documentation of visibility and dissemination.C) Training Course: 1. Activity of formation and preparation, based on the non-formal education, of youth workers.D) Activities of non-formal education: 1. 6 workshops; 2. mentoring provided to young people; 3. implementation of the idea by participants; 4. meetings with entrepreneurs of success; 5. technical pitch.E) Mobility activity of the non-formal education (exchange): 1. lunch in teams; 2. team buildings; 3. guided visits; 4. financial pitch.METHODOLOGIES:Based on the methodology of the non-formal education. Group dynamics, games of construction, icebreakers, cooperation and division of tasks, discussion and debate, sharing of cultural elements and good practices in youth and sport, resolution of challenges, interaction with the Community and reflection on the learnings.RESULTS AND IMPACTS:It is expected that the project submits impacts on its participants:- Increase of well-being by participating in activities that will enable a convivial and sharing of experience and, at the same time, a learning and increment of their knowledge and skills;- Promotion of their knowledge of the entrepreneurial practice;- Promotion of their abilities of sport management, knowledge which will be relevant to creation of a business and for a later work within the framework of sport or as a form of personal enrichment;- Obtaining a network of networking including contacts to other participants, trainers, tutors, entrepreneurs of success and investors that will be useful for the future;- Change of its situation of unemployment or precarious employment with the creation of a business in the sports area;- Empowerment in active participation in society;- Increase of knowledge and participation in national and European democracy;- Empowerment to national and European labour market.BENEFITS:The long term benefits that will feel the level of optimization of youth and sports action, able to promote innovative actions, diverse, motivating, attractive and contextualized in social inclusion, with great potential for apprenticeship, in which young people feel valued in their opinions to act and develop while actors of change.



4 Participants partenaires