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E-government 2.0 w praktyce
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project “E-Government 2.0 in practice” aims at developing innovative and interdisciplinary teaching curricula in the area of e-Government, offering a new quality of university education as regards the content provided (fostering the ICT application in administration, e-participation, etc) and educational tools applied. The implementation of e-Government solutions constitutes a priority in the EU members states. When compared to other EU countries, Poland places itself in an extremely unfavourable position. Low social participation is accompanied by deficits in the sphere of e-Government. Although great endeavours have been made over the last 10 years to implement change, the lack of systems approach and existing barriers in the area seem to prevail, one of them being a deficit of specialists with practical experience and adequate knowledge of potential solutions. The situation becomes even worse as there seem to be no relevant curricula provided by universities that would be practically-oriented and that would use effective teaching methods like workshops, simulations, etc. The project proposed by the consortium has been conceived to fill in this gap and contribute to the increase of knowledge and skills related to e-Government among project participants, young people in particular. By offering a free access to a new IT application, the project will provide the grounds for practical implementation of e-Government solutions. The project will pool together experts (including scientists) specializing in e-Government, civic engagement, research methodology (min. 15 people), specialists in IT implementation and social media (min. 5 people). Dissemination activities will encompass representatives of higher education institutions, mass media, central and regional administration and NGOs including c. 30 seminar and 50 conference participants. The scheduled summer program will bring together around 20 WSE and TUoT students. Given the open access to project educational resources the project will target around 450 entities. Within the project, a knowledge base on existing e-Government solutions and initiatives will be created (an international perspective will be taken into account). The base will take a form of an online catalogue and will include resources developed through the analysis of strategic documents, outcomes of research projects and evaluation of selected e-Gov 1.0 and e-Gov 2.0 implementations. A teaching methodology for e-Government 2.0 will be developed. Subsequently curricula along with related courses (and syllabi) will be prepared. To complement new curricula, a set of didactic tools will be developed including a casebook – a publication collecting model applications in e-Government, 8 e-learning courses, 8 video tutorials, 8 multimedia lectures, 8 presentations, 8 podcasts. A new IT application will be created and put into use – it will provide a role of a simulation platform and serve as an e-Government 2.0 virtual laboratory. Through the application students will be able to participate in online workshops simulating social consultation, crowdsourcing and citizenship audit processes and get involved in simulation games. Throughout the project phases different methodology will be applied including the analysis of source materials, desk research, case study and best practice development. Programming (technical works) will build upon GNU GPL or BSD, PHP, JavaScript, Action Script, MySQL. The project implementation will involve structuring and grouping project activities into relevant phases, each of them delivering a verified milestone. All project results including the IT application will be developed in Polish and in English and will be made accessible as Open Educational Resources, thus expanding the impact of project activities and the use of its effects. Project activities will be supplemented with a seminar summing up the research and analysis phase, a conference summarizing the project and promoting its results and “E-Government Academy” – an intensive summer program delivered in a blended-learning formulae. As a result of the project a new specialization in e-Government will be introduced on a Masters’ s and a postgraduate level by WSE. The new curricula, teaching methods and didactic tools will be disseminated among other universities in Poland and abroad. Practically-oriented study programs in e-Government will contribute to competence development of university alumnae – future public administration staff. The IT tool will be used both in education (e.g. in simulations) and in daily work of public administration bodies and NGOs. The project will provide solid grounds for strengthening international cooperation and exchange of experience in e-Gov 2.0 between Polish, British and Estonian organizations.



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3 Participants partenaires