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E-crèches – e-Learning contents for crèche and kindergaten's workers

The project aims at developing a formative E-learning tool for crèches and kindergarten employees in order to improve the skills of low qualified women of the welfare sector. The project shall create the new profession of a manager of Early Childhood Education and Care. Target groups are women, recently graduated women, young women in initial training, disadvantaged women. The main activities to be carried out comprise a needs analysis, the development of a methodology and a learning content, handbooks and CD-Roms, a website. The product will be all published in English, the learning content and the handbooks (for virtual community animators and for VET providers) will be published in addition in the partner languages. Valorisation shall be done by involving the target groups, the definition of a marketing plan, a website, a final conference. The project is supposed to have an impact on the target group who’s employment shall increase. All kinds of childcare centres shall profit from the project outcomes through e-learning communities.



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