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E(Art)h of Youth
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

”E(Art) of Youth” is an educational – cultural project for young Europeans. 108 citizens from the following countries: Croatia, Spain, FYR of Macedonia, Germany, Romania and Poland will participate in the project. The aims of this project were: breaking intercultural barriers and stereotypes, as well as building the community of youth. The project has helped to broaden the knowledge of participants about visual art from each country, learn more about their culture and also tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The bigger involvement in the project was possible to achieve by diversification of the exchanges' topics - thus we have planned 3 of them: artistic (painting and drawing), animation and theatrical. Lectures and workshops were activities, which let participants understand the idea of unity in diversity. During the project we realized a lot of various creative activities, which have allowed participants to develop their creativity, present their view of the world from perspective of different cultures and experiences, but most of all to have fun and make new friends. The conducted tasks and exercises were tools stimulating creativity, what is especially important in social activities and taking new actions for local communities.



5 Participants partenaires