Rechercher des projets européens

Droga do sukcesu uczniów i nauczycieli poprzez rozwój kompetencji kluczowych.
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Powiatowy Zespół Szkół in Lędziny is a school with rich tradition. We enjoy an excellent reputation thanks to modern teaching methods, cooperation with universities and local labour market connections. Powiatowy Zespół Szkół in Lędziny is an innovative school which makes an effort to meet the standards of the modern world or even anticipate them and create positive teaching policy in our district. The speciality of the school is the international cooperation. Our European School Development Plan has a long-term goal: bilingual school with English as a second language. To achieve the above goal we undertake various actions. One of them is the realization of the project Mobility of the School Educational Staff under the name ‘The way to success for students and teachers through the development of key competencies’. The main objectives of the project are: 1) Raising teachers’ professional qualifications (increase in knowledge, methodological competencies and language skills). Our plan is to boost the teachers’ language level: from level A1 to A2 (4 teachers), from level A2 to B1 (3 teachers), from level B1 to B2 (5 teachers) and from B2 to C1 (3 teachers). The other two teachers are English teachers who are going to improve their language competence as well. 2) Expanding and developing the ability to use English. 3) Contributing to increase in the attraction of ICT teaching methods applied by teachers. 4) Gaining the ability to work in a group of people from different countries – gaining intercultural competence. 5) Learning about the culture of host countries – Great Britain, Ireland and Spain – their customs, tradition, contemporary realities as well as some history. 6) Building up self-esteem among the participants and showing them the potential for development. 7) Opening a bilingual class in the technical vocational school in the following professions – technician of logistics and technician of devices and systems of renewable energetics. 8) Increasing school prestige in the local environment. 9) Training students so that they become resourceful people. 10) Keeping the current intake into school on the same level or make it even higher. There will be 17 teachers of different subjects taking part in the project. During the entire project the teachers will participate in 8 different courses. We plan that 17 teachers will take part in the project. These are 2 English teachers, 2 Polish teachers, 2 teachers of logistics, 3 maths teachers, 1 teacher of entrepreneurship, 2 P.E. teachers, 1 teacher of physics, 1 IT teacher and the headteacher (who is also a Polish teacher), school pedagogue and the manager of practical trainings. The entire group of 17 teachers wish to learn about the teaching methods used in other European countries, including these which use ICT. Additionally, 2 English teachers want to raise their methodological competence. Making an effort to meet teachers’ needs, the participation in the following courses has been planned: Winter holidays 2016 – three courses: - CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning for secondary teachers), for 2 teachers - British Institutions, for 2 teachers - BET (Better English for Teachers), for 11 teachers Summer holidays 2016 – three courses for 17 teachers in total - Taking to people, for 1 English teacher - Professional Development, for 1 novice English teacher - EFT – English for Teaches, for 15 teachers Winter holidays 2017 – two courses for 12 teachers in total - CLIL, for 3 teachers this time - ICT, for 9 teachers. As a result, apart from the factual knowledge, all participants will develop: an attitude of openness, self-confidence, increase in self-esteem, intercultural competence and other social attitudes like solving problems, negotiating, coping with stress. The results of the project will also be the teachers’ development in the following areas: 1. Professional development: the teachers will acquire new, practical skills on the basis of their former knowledge, raise their qualifications, obtain new certificates. 2. Personal development: the teachers will become more open-minded, boost their self-esteem, improve their social competence (solving problems, negotiating, coping with stress). 3. Raising language skills: improving the knowledge of English 4. Development of intercultural competence: learning about the culture of Great Britain, Ireland and Spain. We expect that the project results will have an impact on the participants themselves but also on the entire school, the school authorities, foreign host institutions and the local community. The long-term benefits are as following: Powiatowy Zespół Szkół in Lędziny functioning as a prestigious bilingual school that will train resourceful students considering themselves to be citizens of Europe and of the world.

