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Drava Folk-tale and Story Park

The micro-region of the city of Csurgo, in many ways an endangered region, intended to create a complex tourist programme, relying on its exceptional natural, cultural and human resources and in cooperation with the County of Koprivnica-Krizevci in Croatia. A Park of folk fairytales and stories would become the programme´s central module and it would include the areas between the micro-region Csurgo, the Drava river basin and the city of Koprivnica Achievements: In the first stages of the creation of the tourist product, a unique one by European standards, a feasibility study was prepared indicating the existence of a satisfactory market interest and of potential target groups. The study clearly presents the possible organizational forms, the expected impact on the development, as well as the economic justification of the project.



  • 75.1%   38 838,61
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Projet sur KEEP platform

1 Participants partenaires