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Down Sendromlu Gençler Avrupa Yolunda
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

AGH contributes alot to the young for having the independen living skill, improving self-confidence, getting to know different cultures and realizing themselves by teaching them the importance of volunteer Works. However, the demand of the disabled in general, the mentally disabled in particular and the related foundations almost doesnt exist for living aone and working in a different country. Comparing ton on-disabled, the volunteer work areas for disabled are very few. However, all people with disabilities need to be the subject for the concept of EU and Erasmus+ programme such as being EU citizens, human rights and democracy, equality and socialization, to reach to the main purposes of these programs.According to these, with the Project Down Syndrome Youth is on the way to Europa, it is aimed to support them to benefit from AGH that they will develop independent life skils, joining to the social life, developing the awareness of volunteerism, obtaining different experiences of learning, being an EU citizen who is productive, respected, precious and equal.AGH action will happen with the partnership of two countries. Barrier-Free and Happy Life Foundation is the coordinator and consignor establishment. AssociationFocus-European Center for Development foundation which is located in Pazarcık, Bulgaria and Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade (A.I.A.M) which is located in Barcelos, Portugal are hostholder foundations. There will be 8 actions in Bulgaria and 5 actions in Portugal. Two down syndrome young and two companion will attend to every action. Every action will take two weeks. In this way, 26 down syndrome young and 26 companion total will benefit from AGH.Our project, which will take 16 months, has 13 actions which will take two weeks each. 8 of them will take place in Bulgaria, 5 of them will take place in Portugal. Two down syndrome young and two companion will attend to every action. Every action will take two weeks. In this way, 26 down syndrome young and 26 companion total will benefit from AGH. Also, there will be visits to both countries for work.Down syndrome people have usually light and medium level of mental disablity. This disablity means that they can learn slower and with special approaches and courses comparing to their peers, does not mean they can not learn. Their self-confidence improves especially at places that they feel they are respected, they are precious and they gain the feeling of being a special member of the community while their self-esteem improves. In this context, the most important output of this Project will be supporting disabled young people to feel productive, special and helpful EU citizens. The other important output is improving the living skill and motivation of a down syndrome young by taking a plane, probably the first time in his life, going abroadi travelling, spending two weeks far away from his home, his family and his social environment.



2 Participants partenaires