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European Projects
Docentenmobiliteit Gymnasium Socrates
Docentenmobiliteit Gymnasium Socrates
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,
Date de fin: 30 juin 2015
Teacher training project in France
- Institute: CAVILAM in Vichy
- Name of training: “Stages intensifs pour professeurs de français langue étrangère” : Methodology of teaching French: From daily use to innovation
- Goals: updating knowledge of country and people, picking up new ideas and exchanging concrete and practical ideas for regular teaching and picking up new ideas about classmanagement when catering for different levels Sessions are aimed at innovative teaching through modern means (smartboard, pedagogical websites, etc.)
- Set up: 31 hours of teacher training about the themes described above, at the CAVILAM
- Results: More knowledge of country and people, improved language skills, more pedagogical knowledge, more knowledge about using different ways to differentiate when teaching and when working on internationalisation, more knowledge about useful ways of implementing technology.
- Long term effect: a department of French where people may profit from this knowledge. Improved level of teaching.
Teacher training for history teacher in Finland:
- Institute: Euneos in Helsinki
- Name of training: Best Practice Benchmarking
- Goals: Gaining more knowledge about implementing ICT related didactical improvements, aimed especially at underachieving gifted students. Be inspired and exchange experiences with colleagues
in order to create awareness among colleagues in our own school : how to use new ways of stimulating gifted students without leaving the weaker students behind.
- Set up: in this course the school shall determine how to use ICT and how to deal with differences in student ability. Schools that are more experienced in that and that obtain good PISA results (Finland) will be visited, ‘best practices’ will be shared, also by course participants from different schools.
Results: A better overview of how to use ICT means to stimulate excellence in students, without neglecting weaker students.
- Long term effect: A good and useful ICT policy that caters to differences in students.
EUCourses.eu - Smile in Sweden (Stockholm)
- Name of training: SMILE : Schools Museums Internet Learning Education and is held in different places. SMILE provides educational institutions with a resource that enables them to investigate Europe and what it means to be a European through visits to museums. More specifically it is concerned with enabling learners to explore a number of aspects of their identities and to compare the various identities expressed by other Europeans. The method has become a flexible way of addressing issues about identity through museums and cultural heritage. Museums and the built environment are used as a source for looking at identity and citizenship issues.
- Goals: Understanding museums as complex and multi-layered, linear, ordered or random collections of artefacts, images, sounds and words en to bring these knowledge into the classroom
Using eLearning solutions inside and outside the classroom
- Set up: Visit museums, workshops, lectures, presentations
Methodology of carrying out results: During the course: presentations
At school: Presentation for colleagues, developing new material for lessons and fieldtrips
Intended results and the long-term yield: European Citizenship and Identity, Museum Interpretation skills and competencies, Basic eLearning for use in museums and heritage sites, Outdoor education, Cooperation between schools and museums, Validation and assessment, Barrier-free access for minority groups, Building lasting relationships with colleagues throughout Europe, A greater understanding of European education.
Pilgrim in United Kingdom (University of Kent Canterbury)
- Background / context: The course is a practical and participative course which aims simultaneously to improve the English proficiency as well as the further development of their own teaching .
- Set up: In addition to the interactive language learning activities, attention is paid to educational components, such as the effective use of authentic materials in the classroom and encouraging fluency in the classroom. A full program can be found at: http://www.pilgrims.co.uk/_files/Brochure/Teacher%20Training%20CIS/Updated%202014%20CIS/B199B52FDF94E57B6227D6B1E6D0410F.pdf
- Way you share your knowledge:
The course will better enable me to share my knowledge on language learning en educational policy internationally. In contacts through the FIPLV and REAL and contacts around professional self by teachers within the Education Cooperative . The acquired pedagogical knowledge I share in regular consultation with the Dutch school of my section.
- A brief description of the intended results and the long-term yield:
The intended result is to bring my oral English proficiency level B2 and to broaden my practical knowledge of language didactics in order to improve my teaching.
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