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DO STH NICE: “Discover Opportunities, Seize The Hour & Never Ignore Creative Energy”
Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

DO STH NICE: “Discover Opportunities, Seize The Hour & Never Ignore Creative Energy” is an EVS project that will take place in Aveiro in summer of 2016. Hosting and coordinating organisation, Agoraaveiro, is a non-profit youth organisation that promotes active citizenship. We will host 6 volunteers from 5 countries: Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and Latvia.Volunteers have been and will be chosen based on their their motivation, profiles and background with given advance to those with fewer opportunities.Voluntary service will last 1-4 months, during which volunteers will be included in regular activities of Agoraveiro, in some particular activities developed for this project and they will be encouraged to develop their own ideas and turn them into action. Some of our regular activities that we would want our volunteers to get involved with are: guerrilla actions, intercultural evenings, freeskilling, "Human library" and a possible Erasmus+ youth exchange. New activity that we planned specifically for this EVS project is “Learning for life” Skills lab project that will consist of launching a space for sharing skills and knowledge in Aveiro by hosting a series of “How to” workshops, cooking shows and presentations. EVS volunteers will work on gathering ideas, organisation, promotion and hosting of these activities. Workshops, cooking shows and presentations will be given by EVS volunteers, local volunteers, local people, travelers... in other words, anyone with an idea and knowledge on specific topic who wants to share it with people of Aveiro. The main objectives of this project are providing learning space and opportunities for our EVS volunteers but also for local volunteers and local community in general; helping in building more active and inclusive local community; strengthening the structure and management skills of staff of Agoraveiro. We expect project to make an impact on several actors: EVS volunteers will have the opportunity to gain new or improve their existing skills and competences while investing their time, energy and creativity into developing all mentioned activities. Also we expect them to profit from living in a culture different from theirs, learning language, meeting new people and sharing their experiences. It’s important to mention that volunteers will be encouraged and regularly reminded to reflect on what they’ve learned, to become aware of their personal and professional growth. Since almost all the activities will be dedicated to local community, we predict a big impact on local people. They will get the opportunity to learn about various things in new, interesting and stimulative environment. They will have a chance to get involved, to express themselves, to spread positive energy and to include volunteering in their daily life. We also expect our EVS volunteers to develop sustainable small projects that will last when their EVS is over, thus continuing to make an impact even after they’re gone. Besides, volunteers will spread ideas of Erasmus+ and the concept of EVS in order to inspire young people to participate in Erasmus+ projects themselves.On wider regional and European level, we believe our project will serve as a good practice example. We will commit to disseminating results of the project with the goal to promote EVS and Erasmus+ in general. Besides, we hope, even if on a very small scale, we will help a general employability problem on European scale, since it has been confirmed that youngsters who had an experience abroad find jobs more easily.Our partner organizations will receive back young inspired people ready for new challenges. From our experience, EVS always enriches a young person and having someone with this kind of experience among your staff is always a great advantage.We also predict an impact on Agoraveiro since EVS volunteers will bring fresh energy and new ideas to our organisation. From every new project we learn and grow, our local volunteers gain new skills and make new friends, and we firmly believe that during this project this will also be the case.As for dissemination of the results we plan to use our website and social media profiles, as well as other dissemination platforms. There we will share materials that we will create such as brochures, reports from events, photos, videos, postcards etc. We will also continue our practice to send newsletters and invitations to our activities to local media representatives, who are always eager to spread the word about Agoraveiro's activities. Moreover, we will encourage our volunteers to share their EVS experience with their sending organisations and their local community after the end of project.



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