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Dezvoltare profesionala pentru calitate in educati..
Dezvoltare profesionala pentru calitate in educatia adultilor
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015,
Date de fin: 31 août 2016
The project "Professional Development for quality in adults' education" People's Development Foundation (FDP) aims to support the development of professional and personal skills of its 10 specialists in adult education (responsible for training, professional counsellors, service coordinators) by participating in job shadowing activities organized in partnership with ASLAM (Italy). The job shadowing activities will be structured as two flows lasting 5 days each with 5 participants/flow. Management, dissemination, and evaluation activities will complete the project framework.The participants are specialists involved in information, orientation and counseling, training and employment services for disadvantaged people (unemployed, especially long-term unemployed, young NEETS, inactive women, persons with disabilities and roma minority) .The activities provided in the framework of the project will allow better services' adaptation to the needs of beneficiaries (adapting methodologies of delivery) and an increased impact reflected in an improved rate of employability and job keeping.After the completion of this project, FDP, an organization with 7 years experience in the field of employment , vocational training and adult education will become a reference point for the community of practice in the field, thus contributing to the implementation of innovative methodologies and construction of regional practice patterns and nationwide.
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