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European Projects
Devenir un citoyen européen : apprendre à connaîtr..
Devenir un citoyen européen : apprendre à connaître et respecter l'autre à travers sa langue et sa culture
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015,
Date de fin: 31 août 2018
Context and objectives : This interdisciplinary project allows a cultural and European openness. It will allow us to practice the seven major skills of The Common Base and Knowledge of Skills : Mastering the French language, Speaking a modern foreign language, Mastering common information and communication technologies, humanist culture, autonomy and initiative…
Number and profile of participants : 80 pupils (from petite section to CM2) from the Ecole de Condat, located in a rural setting (4 classes and 4 teachers) / Ecole Ings Farm from Redcar, located in an urban setting 500 pupils 18 teachers and 12 assistants
Description of the activities :
First year : exchange regarding Physical Education
A program has been established between the partners for the pupils in CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2
Phase 1 : Bowls Rotation – bowls initiation and tournament during the arrival of English pupils an teachers in Condat / orientation course
Phase 2 : Athletics and Endurance
Phase 3 : Netball (Initiation and tournament during the arrival of French pupils an teachers in Redcar) and acrobatics
Phase 4 : Cricket initiation during travel to Redcar / Ultimate
Phase 5 : Football / Dance / Swimming
For the entire year, the two schools will organize a warm-up activity each morning before being immersed in learning starting from nursery school. Through sport, certain instructions will be given in MFL, especially in warm-up phases. A process regarding motor function will be rendered in the schools’ courtyards with different instructions in foreign language.
Email exchanges between pupils in « cours moyen » will be made regarding their favorite sports and the rules to follow.
Sending of rules of traditional English and French games, discovery by the pupils of each country, of new and useful games during EPS sessions.
Tournaments with Franco-English teams during travel.
Each activity will be followed by exchanges of emails, photos, videos…
The vocabulary studied in each sport session will be reviewed during the development of rules for a new game.
Second year : Exchange regarding songs and recipes from each country based on traditional holidays
The youngest classes will be able to exchangeand share a mascot that will be the link between the emails sent regarding traditional recipes and songs of the year. Each partner will send recipes that the other school can make, which they will be able to taste during travel.
-Creation of a French-English recipe book annotated with photos and other information
-Activities on the specific language used in recipes : creating a common tool (display of different words)
-Email exchange between pupils and photos of creations
-Singing rhymes from both countries together during travel
-Video conferences
Third year : Exchange regarding visual art
Exchange (sharing) of pieces of original art at the end of the phase and comparing them with different artistic productions : perform an exhibition
Divert each country’s works : exposition
Study the typical landmarks of each country and represent them using different pictorial techniques exposition
Send photographs of pupils and transform the images
Using a typical animal from each country (a sheep for the English and a cow for the French), create an imaginary, poetic animal
Activities on the language of colors : creation of a color chart in French and English
Intervention (Presence ?) of artists in each school
Methodology : Use of different computerized tools (Digital Workspace, video conferences, email, webcam, powerpoint, Interactive White Board, REL (use of text, audacity, photofiltre), computer editing…
Impact and results :
-The validation of an A1 level with regard to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and B2i (ICT certificate for the Primary school)
-Cultural opennness, knowledge and respect for others
-Membership in a common group and development of European citizenship
-Motivation to learn a MFL
-The engagement of each pupil with regard to obtaining more natural speech
-Validation of knowledge 2 of the personal report book on knowledge of France
-Promotion of learning by real-life communication situations
Potential long-term advantages :
-Possibility for the students to incorporate a European section in their secondary school
-Create a dynamic of European cultural openness at a local level (twinning type)
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