Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Youth Association from Transylvania will implement its 4th hosting sending project in the 20 months ranging from September 2015 until May 2017. This project is fluidly integrated in the previous projects done by this association and will host 10 volunteers who will do 10 month activities in Cristuru Secuiesc, Romania. Our CORE OBJECTIVE is to continue the social, cultural and environmental development of our community through the already running long term EVS projects which is in line with the main goal of our NGO. Within this, we wish to 1. Allow the 10 volunteers coming from 4 EU countries, to develop themselves personally and professionally by carrying out their chosen activities as TV -, Radio -, Nursery -, NGO -, Herbalist SUPPORT PERSON, up-cycling education - and astronomy club MANAGER 2. Involve the children, youth and adults of our community in the workshops, events, activities and gatherings organized on daily, weekly, and monthly basis. In the now running EVS, around 300 children, 500 youths and 150 adults are already involved in 20 daily, 6 weekly and 2 monthly activities every month. We wish to keep this and increase this number with 25-50% in the new EVS project. Here are the activities and the name of the volunteers who will do the 7 new activities. 1. Recycling and up-cycling education manager – Álvaro Alonso Pérez, Spain, 16.09.1989 and a yet unidentified volunteer from Spain Their 10 month activities will start on the 1st of December 2015. 2. Support person for the local Radio station and online radio – Marko Mercedesz, Hungary, 06.09.1992 & Daniel Martínez Jorba, Spain, 22.06.1988. Their 10 month activities will start on the 7th of January 2016. 3. Support person for the local TV station and the news portal – Szabados Gabriella, Hungary, 01.06.1991. Her 10 month activity will start on the 1st of December 2015. 4. Support person for nurseries, day care centers and kindergartens - Alexandra Cazorla, Spain, 11.05.1990 - His 10 month activity will start on the 1st of March 2015. 5. Support person for the herbalists of the region - Gatis Ābols, Latvia, 15.12.1992 & Vasiliki Daniela Makri, Greece, 08.11.1989. Their 10 month activities will start on the 7th of January 2016. 6. Support person for the Hosting Organization – Ruff Bence, Hungary, 08.07.1990 - His 10 month activity will start on the 1st of December 2015. 7. Amateur Astronomy club manager - 1 volunteers - Mitra Iveza, Hungary, 11.07.1990. Her 10 month activity will start on the 1st of March 2016. Non formal, informal and formal working methods will be used to carry out these tasks. At the end of the project the volunteers will receive Youthpass Certificates



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