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Development of the Environmental Educational Institution Structure in the Cross-border region
Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2010 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Inappropriate attitude of the inhabitants against environment was a cause of the project implementation; a significant part of the citizens has no even basic environmental knowledge, so it is not possible to implement environmental investments. The aim of the project was the improvement of professional competence and project managing capability of project partners and associates; increasing the number of active members of the communities in environment issues; improve the attitude of primary and secondary school students and teachers, so they behave more environmental consciously during their lives; improvement of the cross-border cooperation in the project area among NGOs, governments, education institutions.The general objective of the project is to work out the strategy of a cross-border environmental education and preparation of pilot project.Target groups: NGOs, education institutions, schools.The main specific activities of the project are: establishment of the strategy, including data collection, public survey, request of needs for educators; organizing workshops; prepare a detailed implementation study of environmental education centres located on both sides of the border with plans and licences to the investment.; professional training of educators; publish print-outs and education panels in Romanian and Hungarian.Main results: Strategy, implementation study, print-outs and education panels.



  • 81.9%   85 785,67
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
Projet Website

1 Participants partenaires