Rechercher des projets européens
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project focuses on German, which has a vital economic importance with significant trading partners and with an increasing demand within EU countries for learning and teaching the language. It is based on the existing free e-learning website for learning German, which was developed as LLP KA2 project 2011-2013. The website is available in 13 languages and users can access all following materials free of charge: - Courses A1, A2 and partially B1 with a total of 15 topics, consisting of several lessons each, including interactive exercises; - Grammar section; - Media library, linked to in-built dictionaries and morphological analyser, with 263 materials at the moment; - Practical information for migrants about Austria and Germany; - Multilingual forums and applications for social media. The goal of the project is to extend the free online portal for learning German language (to A1, A2 and B1 levels and a partial B2 level, focusing on situations important for migrants within the scope of B1 and B2 levels), for learning about Austria, Germany and their cultures as well as offering helpful information about practical issues when working and living there. For workers and for students intending to move to those countries, such a learning opportunity is very important and this is emphasised by the current user statistics of with 28,000 registered users only 6 months after the launch, 37,000 page views and 3,500 visits by 2,300 users PER DAY. Thus the project promotes access to new language learning resources and develops and disseminates new language learning materials and OER. It will have new interactive and engaging exercises, reading materials, audio and video tools, competitions, etc. and will be offered in 16 languages (cs, de, en, eo, es, fr, gr, hr, it, lt, pl, ro, ru, sk, sl, tr), instead of 13 at the moment. The project also aims at informing about administrative and practical issues in Austria and Germany, as well as offering all kinds of helpful model documents, e.g. model letters for different purposes as well as model administrative forms to help migrants. Such online portal mainly targets workers and students who want to move or already live in Austria or Germany, but also school pupils, people who need German for work, people living in border areas, tourists and interested others. We envision the following impact: - Improved access to learning German language for prosperous migrants and migrants; - Practical help for migrants to deal with every day issues and to adapt to the host society.



10 Participants partenaires