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Design of froths and foams with entailed durabilit.. (DEFFED)
Design of froths and foams with entailed durability
Date du début: 1 janv. 2009,
Date de fin: 31 déc. 2011
"This proposal aims at creating a methodology for the design of froths and foams of pre-conditioned durability. Such a methodology is greatly needed nowadays, because of the numerous applications of the froths and foams. The life-time of single foam films and the durability of froths/foams will be investigated under matching conditions. The effects of the bubble speed and bubble sizes on the durability of froths/foams will be studied for a wide range of Gibbs elasticity values. Furthermore, the durability of foam films and froths/foams containing nano– and micro-hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic particles will be studied as well. The effect of the material of the foam column on the lifetime of froths and foams will be investigated additionally. In addition, a link will be established between the behaviour under identical conditions of the single foam films and the respective foam column. There is still a drastic lack of linkage in the literature between the results for foam films and foams, due to their isolated studying. Ultimately, the main factors affecting the durability of froths and foams will be brought together in a methodology for the design of foams of a wide scope of durability – from seconds to hours."
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