Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Project mobility Erasmus of the I.E.S. Gregorio Maranon de Caminomorisco (Cáceres), is 6 students of the training cycle of degree-oriented middle of care for people in a situation of dependence. These 6 students have traveled to the city of Lisbon for a 30-day stay in a residence for seniors known as Sociedade Espanhola de Beneficencia, and thus complete their professional training in workplace module, representing them obtaining the title of technician of medium grade. The learning outcomes that have been observed, and which have close relationship with the activities carried out and the objectives are: Care of persons in situations of dependency according to their characteristics and the guidelines of the programme's intervention in the institution. -Use of social skills in the application of strategies and techniques to foster communication and social relationship of the users with their surroundings. -Identification of the characteristics and needs of persons in situations of dependency, and realization of the promotion of the personal autonomy of the users, identifying the levels of dependence and support required for each of the users. -Realization of care and psycho-social support in relation to the psychosocial needs of persons in situations of dependency with the characteristics of the institution and the plan of work established, application techniques and exercises, maintenance and psychological and occupational training with people dependent, technical accompaniment for social relationships and management of daily life activities and group animation techniques. -Use of alternative systems of communication with persons in situations of dependency according to the specific difficulties of each user, as a measure of communication support. -Carrying out activities of health care to persons in situations of dependency, related to the characteristics and needs of them, applying techniques of mobilization, transfer and ambulation, organizing power and support to the intake, selecting techniques, instruments and necessary assistance. -Organization of activities of care hygienic of persons in situations of dependency and its environment, related to the characteristics and needs of them, applying techniques of hygiene and personal hygiene, hygiene of environment techniques selecting materials with criteria of efficiency, prevention and safety, and realization of the control and monitoring of hygienic care activities and procedures analyzing protocols established observation and recording. -Identification of the structure and organization of the company, linking it with the type of service provided. -Application of ethical and work habits in the development of their professional activity, in accordance with the characteristics of the post of work and procedures established in the company. -Realization of activities for preparation of work, applying techniques and procedures according to the instructions and rules. -Implementation of the activities foreseen in the plan of work, relating instructions and standards with the implementation of procedures and techniques inherent to the activities to be developed. -Compliance with criteria of safety and hygiene, acting according to hygienic standards of occupational safety and environmental protection. This has impact on our students first, and also in our Center, since it implies a plus of quality in the methods of teaching-learning in the training cycle.



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