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Den nye skolereform på Vestre Skole
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,
Date de fin: 30 juin 2016
The project " The new act of law at Vestre Skole" will use the international dimension to emphasize the development of five main areas which need to be strengthened at Vestre Skole regarding the new act of school law. We also wish to evolve our international experiences and entrench the international dimension to grow even stronger on our school.
The background for the project is a need for new knowledge and perspectives within these five areas; beginners english, movement in education, inclusion, ICT in education and the creative subjects.
We wish to educate 17 staff menbers through conferences and job shadowing in countries, which have a special knowledge about these five areas. The participating staff members are from all units and grades of the school. We wish to send two staff members to each described activity to make the meeting with the unknown easier to handle and thereby we also make a stronger foundation for the following work at our school.
The participants will be able to reflect with foregin collegues with different school cultures and backgrounds at all activities. At Vestre Skole we have a long international tradition and we know by experience, that it is a great treasure as a teacher to be able to reflect your own professionalism in perspectives from antoher point of view.
The project is based on two types of activities:
- job shadowing: a teacher follows another teacher abroad. The participants and partner schools make a common programme. The participant will get foregin collegues to interact and network with.
- conferences where teachers learn about the topics in countries which have prioritized and developed knowledge and know-how. Here the participants have the opportunity to meet collegues from other countries.
I two cases we combine the activity types, so that the participant get a chance to relate his/her new knowledge to the real world.
The project run over two years and after each activity, will the new knowledge be implemented to the rest of the organization. This will be done in the faculty teams and other tteames which are formulated by the participant in cooperation with the headmaster of the school before each activity.
The project will give the opportunity to create and maintain international contacts and networks within Europe. We will use etwinning as a communication platform to maintain these contacts and to inspire the rest of the staff to work with the international dimension. All staff members have already been introduced and made a profile on etwinning.
The result of the project can be seen with a lift of the mentioned five themes and by the fact that the participant staff will become more internationally orientated , which will cause the international dimension on the school to spread within all of the organization.
The project will at the end also inspire other school in the municipality through our work in a common international network throughout Middelfart Minicipality.
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