Rechercher des projets européens

Den internationale dimension på Middelfart kommunes skoler
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project " The International Dimension at Middelfart Municipality's schools" is applied for as a consortium made by the School Department on behalf of all public schools in the municipality, who want to develop the international dimension in education. This project is designed to give each school a qualitative upgrade in the development of themes as; interculture, international cooperation and integration.The aim is that these themes are included in the pedagogy and didactical work of each school and this way will increase the student's desire to learn, curiosity, intercultural understanding and courage to meet the yet unknown on their own school and when collaborating with the world. The schools will need concrete tools to work with the international dimension, pedagogical theory, academial didactics and an international network to collaborate with. Four specific schools also need to gain further knowledge of integration in an intercultural aspect, since they are welcoming many immigrant children.We wish to educate 32 staff members on all 12 schools of the municipality through European courses, who all offer qualified , academical angles of the needs of the schools.Science shows that the headmaster is the key person in the continuation of the international dimension and development of intercultural competences on the school.The School Department facilitates a network of a teacher from each school in the municipality who, in the role of the international coordinator, cooperates with the headmaster in the implementation of the international dimension in education. These international coordinators frequently meet in this network and so do the headmasters and the second-language teachers, who teach Danish as a second language. Here the gruops inspire each other, share knowledge & cooperate within their department.We would like to send one headmaster and one international coordinator from each school in the municipality and eight second language teachers from four specific schools - all in all 32 staff members - on a week course in Europe.To gain the best effect of the courses, as many as possible courses are chosen and the following strategy for the best spread of knowledge and development of the new competences is; that the headmaster and international coordinator from each school participate in the samr course, whilst the eight second-language teachers participate in the same course.All courses are carefully chosen to suit the specific needs and experiences of each school. The course content varies from course to course, but they all aim the same object and theme; the international dimension in education and intercultural understanding.All chosen course's differer in content within the same topic is the turning point of this two year long project. The School Department is coordinating the project and will distribute a course calendar. The department will communicate withthe course managers, make procedures for the participants, make practical arrangements before departure and make sure that the participants of the courses are active and responsible for the process.Each course participant will face a two way presentation and development proces: 1. In the networks across the municipality, where the participants develop knowledge and skills collaboratively from the impact, presentations and reflections ecah course has developed.As the courses are chosen to be very different in their content, the presentaions of the returned course participants, where they give new knowledge in the networks across the schools of the municipality, are very important. Headmasters, international coordinators and second-language teachers will present, share best practise, knowledge, evaluate and develop the tools and international networks, they bring home.2. On each school where the contiuous work of implementing the international dimension and intercultural understanding in class is. Headmaster, international coordinator and at some schools also the second-language teacher come home with actual tools, an international network and an academical energy, which is the foundation of each school's own strategy for the further work of internationalization on the school.The objective of this future work is to raise the academical standards on each school, involve more teachers and classes in the further process as well as maintaining og increasing the contact with European colleagues, for example by using E-twinning.The result of the project can be monitored in the fact that there will be higher standards in the work with interculture, integration, internationalzation and intercultural competences in Middelfart and this dimension develops and spreads in the organization - from the politicians to the classrooms. The project can inspire other municipalities kick start the international dimension to change from the work of fiery souls to a standardized way of thinking pedagogic and didactics on all schools.

