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Democratic participation and active citizenship in and around schools

The planned partnership project focusses on forms of democratic participation and active citizenship in and around the schools taking part in the project. The quiding questions will be: 1. To what extent / how are students prepared for democratic participation in both school and society? To what extent / how do the schools deliberately initiate democratic participation and active citizenship among their students?2. How - in praxis - can / how do students make decisions as a class, year, group, whole school and how can they influence decision making procedures within the school´s neighborhood and/or their local community?Civil rights and responsibilities, crime, voluntary action, charity work, fundraising, voting, government and politics are some of the basic themes that are related to the notion of `citzenship´. These can be applied to a wide range of practical issues from children´s rights to the legal status of asylum seekers, from student council elections to prevention efforts against racism. As a multilateral learning process for democracy, the schools involved in the partnership can compare their activities of democratic participation by exchanging their project results.



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