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Delivering the region renaissance doing regeneration (Region regeneration)

The cities located in the periphery oftheir countries each face a problem ofcentralization and slow development. Thusthe idea is to use the new regenerationapproach for revitalization of border citiesof Daugavpils, Kraslava (LV), Zarasai, Utena,Visaginas (LT) and Braslav, Novopolotsk,Verkhnedvinsk (BY) by involving theminto the cross-border network where thecharacter and function of each city isdefined and realized.The project strengthens the cooperationamong Latvian, Lithuanian and Belarusiancities, improves the image of the crossborderregion and supports its economicdevelopment by implementing aninnovative approach to sustainableregeneration of cities and their surroundingareas.The project creates a competence networkof specialists on regeneration issues,enhances public-private cooperation,favorable conditions for investment relateddecision-making and urban developmentby preparing regeneration strategy, arearegeneration plans and implementationframeworks, technical and tenderingdocumentations for pilot investment projectsas well as carrying out the trainings formunicipal specialists.



  • 75%   255 714,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Latvia - Lithuania - Belarus (LV-LT-BY)
  • Projet sur KEEP platform

7 Participants partenaires