Rechercher des projets européens

Découvrir les pratiques professionnelles en Europe
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our vocational business and technological lycée (high school)Anna Rodier located in Moulins in the county of Allier and thus part of the Auvergne region , has been very involved in a strategy to open up to Europe for over 10 years. Each year we offer our young people to take part , according to their curriculum, in European mobility projects supervised by two designated teachers who coordinate the Commission "Europe" of the high school. This commission includes 15 different members of the educational team in order to rally as many actors as possible to impulse a multidisciplinary dynamism to our projects and commit all the staff ( management team, teachers, the librarian , administrative staff ... ) .The opening of a European section for next September continues this development because we believe this is a great opportunity to provide for a better quality education as described in the strategy of Europe 2020. Our project is to offer ,over two consecutive school years, 18 students from the vocational school of our three sections ( Transportation / Logistics , Retail Trade) to do their final year work placement in Britain to be able to discover and compare professional practices in their respective fields . This three-week work placement is to take place purposedly at the end of their course in order to have all the skills previously validated in accordance with their degree’s demands during the 19 week training periods they have done in France throughout their whole curriculum. So before they do this last placement in the UK, they have already done one placement in their first year, two in their second year and one in their third year, which enabled them to get acquainted with at least 4 firms in which they have been able to use and develop the basic skills of their specific field of activity : Skills to be acquired by our final year students from COMMERCE (retail trade ) - Organizing the display of the product - Taking charge of the supplying ( preparing orders , registering and receiving the goods) and restocking . - Taking part in promotional campaigns and / or commercial sales activities - Selling . - Developping a professional stance ( respecting and applying the guidelinesor rules , getting involved, taking initiatives). Skills to be acquired by our students from the TRANSPORT section (logistics) - Organizing the ins and outs of a transport operation . - Following the course of a transport operation . - dealing with the process flow of goods ( logistics). - dealing with the complaints and the failures in process. - Identifying environmental constraints and demands - Implement procedures for safety, security and quality. - taking part in the clearance of goods. - Communicating with foreign partners . We work in partnership with an agency recognized for its experience and regional business panel ( in Sussex near Eastbourne ) which is a small sized reassuring family structure and close to our students in the daily supervision. This agency has developed a true partnership in the care and the following up of our students and their families. This supervision is therefore efficiently carried out by email each week and by telephone in case of problems. The head teacher is helped by an English teacher or mobility referent for all these exchanges , which are then transmitted to all the educational team. The positive impact of the internship on each student is assessed in terms of language skills , personal skills and professional skills. Our student mobility is necessary to enable them to enter and face a competitive economy, to get a training that stands out compared to other applicants of the job market in a region where the unemployment rate is higher than the national average. But it is also a personal asset , a personal improvement in their autonomy , maturity acquired through an unusual context . This is all the more important since most of our students are from low-income families (40% of our students get a grant and are financially aided) , and most of them come from rural areas without ever having had the opportunity to move out of France . Finally it is also a way to improve their language standards if they consider carrying on higher studies (post baccalaureate)



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