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Cultural Chameleon
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

“Cultural Chameleon” is a long-term long-term European Voluntary Service (EVS) project that aims to promote the mutual understanding and communication between local inhabitants - especially young people - and volunteers from different countries of Europe. Project involves 5 volunteers from 5 different countries – Germany, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina.“Cultural Chameleon” creates the possibility for volunteers to work directly with local youngsters in 5 Tallinn youth centers - Kesklinna youth center, Kristiine youth center, Pääsküla youth center, Mustamäe youth center and Haabersti youth center. Anna Bortoletto will be working in Kesklinna youth center, Angela Bonache Rodriguez in Kristiine youth center, Lea Wagner in Pääsküla youth center, Iuliia Luchkova in Haabersti youth center and Amar Hamzic in Mustamäe youth center. The main aim is to involve volunteers directly and actively in the every-day activities and projects of Tallinn Sports and Youth Department and the hosting youth centers in order to create a common ground for the mutual understanding between young people from different cultural background. “Cultural Chameleon" is providing a non-formal intercultural learning experience, it supports the development of local communities and strengthens the collaboration between the partners of the EVS project. It gives a chance for volunteers to make a new step in their lives and meanwhile enriches the activities offered to youngsters in youth centers in Tallinn by showing them the positive side of being active themselves. The duration of the voluntary service is 9-11 months. The activities will start on 5th of September 2016 and end on 4th of August 2017. Kesklinna Vaba Aja Keskus, Nõmme Vaba Aja Keskus and Haabersti Vaba Aja Keskus will host volunteer in period 5.09.2016. -4.08.2017. and Mustamäe Kultuurikesus Kaja in period 7.11.2016.- 4.08.2017.



9 Participants partenaires