Date du début: 1 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 31 août 2015
This Erasmus project called "CAREGIVERS IN THE WORLD" is presented from the IES "Maestro Juan Calero" Monesterio (Badajoz) for students and teachers Cycle Intermediate Care for Dependent Persons, borns of the need to open new business horizons for our students and give an added value to the cycle of this institute. Portugal was chosen as a destination because of its proximity in language, customs and distance, and in particular its capital communications and greater job opportunities.
Companies and institutions involved are: IES "Juan Calero Master" of Monesterio, Monesterio Formex and charitable Espanhola Sociedade Lisbon.
Students were chosen according to clear and objective criteria, although they have finally gone all interesting students.
Two periods of mobility, the first from October 1st to December 2014 and another from April to June 2015. Three students (79 days) participated in the first period and 4 students (59 days) in the second, although at first they would have 2 turns of 3 students (79 days) and a teacher (2 days) finally there was no teacher interested in making mobility so it was decided (according to the bases of the program and the national agency) in the second turn would be shared the remaining crew of three students and 2 teachers between interested (4 students) and in this case they would go 59 days. Previously participants were prepared with a course about Portugal (language and customs) and labor risks; they were given a dossier with information of interest and were helped in finding rental housing or hotel, both before and during the first days. The trip was made in private cars and they did an extra insurance to get covered for any incidence.
The monitoring was performed in all the necessary helping pre-trip (course, finding housing, insurance, etc ..), accompanying them on the trip and first days and in a follow-up to mid-stay, communication directly through ICT (wasap, telephone, Skype, e-mail), teletutorías every 15 days, weekly phone calls and e-mail those responsible for the host company, etc ...
At the conclusion and during the mobility the students delivered: a journal of weekly monitoring, a photographic diary and / or managing a profile on a social network or a blog and a final report, which was used to evaluate the project comprehensively.
Local regional radios (Monesterio, Fuente de Cantos and Fregenal) and county (Canal Extremadura), local press (Monesterio, Fuente de Cantos and Fregenal) and (El periódico de Extremadura, Hoy) press and websites (Hoy digital, El Periódico digital, Tentudía directo) and profiles on social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and a project blog was created. Signage materials, lectures in IES and videos uploaded to Youtube were also conducted..
The expected impact and benefits on participants in the short, medium and long term has been:
-Students. It has enriched their curriculum enabling many of them are working today, has made them grow personally and professionally, have enriched their training, they have learned and perfected the use of Portuguese and have found other ways of working.
-Institution Host: is secured as a partner institution in such projects and enriches its users to exchange stories with students, being collaborating again in the next project we are currently developing.
-Company Training: continue to train adults in the field of languages and contribute to the specific training of professionals.
- IES Maestro Juan Calero: again achieved one of its key objectives is to form the best possible students and will continue to export knowledge.
The impact and benefit to local, regional, national and international level has been very significant especially at local and regional level for the entire population knows and expects the project and news of its participants. In addition, they have released some of the training and employment opportunities that are available in the environment of vocational training for those wishing to use them and use them. It has helped to reduce youth unemployment as far as possible, participants and others who want to participate and have started their training in this sector.
In short, with this project we have tried and succeeded in forming new European citizens are able to learn and undertake everything necessary for integration into a European labor market more fluid to transnational relations and educational and workplace.
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