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Cross-Border 15
Date du début: 3 mai 2015, Date de fin: 2 nov. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

„Cross-Border 15“ is a multilateral activity with the aim to arrange the meeting of youth and to cross borders. „To find out who we are we have to move“ (adapted from Heiner Müller). We must move and cross borders. The intention of „Cross-Border 15“ is to open and to break down borders, literally as well as symbolically. It means to go beyond the borders of one´s own self-assessment, to have confidence in oneself, to have the courage to act on a stage, to have the courage to take up new social contact. Young people from Germany, Slovenia, Hungary and Italy meet for performing theatre and explore crossing borders. On stage they will express their desires, dreams and fears, youthful curiosity, new encounters and common experiences.“Cross-Border 15“ is a project for integration and social inclusion. The majority of the youth have experience in migration, some are mentally and physically handicapped. They all together elaborate a theatre performance based on their own ideas, interests, abilities and skills. With the stylistic means of dance theatre (choreographic work, movement theatre, Bewegungstheater) the young people work with their own ideas, experience, stylistic an artistic means and will thus produce a unique performance. Inputs from drama teachers and non-formal education will support working with the themes and topics, will help to achieve a democratic cooperation and sharing. To discover Europe and leave remarkable footsteps and impressions! After the first night performance in Ingolstadt the young people will go on tour through Europe, with Carrara as their destination, the home region of the partners. In Carrara they will show their production to he public, a really unique production. The youth meeting will go over 21 days. Key aspects – apart from the theatre performance with and from all the participants – are an extensive program with lots of cultural and coming together events.



3 Participants partenaires