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Creativity for world Blossom / Δημιουργικότητα για παγκόσμια άνθιση.
Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Solidarity Tracks in collaboration with the Elderly House of Lefkas hosted six (6) volunteers from Spain, France, Hungary, Romania and Russia for 12 months in Lefkas island Greece, in order to support, aware and develop the activities that are already organized by previous volunteers. The program consists of three different activities: -the first activity took place in the Elderly House of Lefkas. We hosted two volunteers (one girl from France and one from Russia).They continued the organization of entertainment and support activities for the elderly, in the “cultural cafe” which was founded by previous volunteers in order to support the offered psycho-social assistance for the beneficiaries of the Centre and combat loneliness and isolation. - the second activity, took place in Solidarity Tracks. We hosted a young girl volunteer from Hungary and a young man from Spain, in order to implement various activities to aware the local youngsters about sustainability through social, financial and environmental aspects. They organized workshops for the environmental protection (recycling, water safe, renewable energy sources), social solidarity and sustainable entrepreneurship. They also organized a workshop about "eco journalism” and administrated our online magazine Green o' clock. ( -the third activity organized in Solidarity Tracks. We hosted two young girls volunteers from Spain and Romania, in order to implement information and support activities about the European mobility projects with implementing the Youth info desk in our office. All these activities allowed the young volunteers to have an important role in the local community. They strengthen the bonds of solidarity between generations, they motivated the local youth for sustainability and eco citizenship and motivated them to live a socio-cultural and professional experience abroad. Our project, offered to our six volunteers the possibility to gain social and technical abilities for their professional future. They were active and responsible during their EVS. Our volunteers, due to their participation in our project, had a unique intercultural experience, they cooperated with our staff and partners to implement the planned activities and to achieve their learning goals.



6 Participants partenaires