Rechercher des projets européens

Common Europe
Date du début: 30 mai 2016, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Project title: Common EuropePlace and term: GR (Greece), Agii Apostoli at Preveza,18st to 26th August 2016 (8 days)Partner organizations: coordinator CZ - SSK MSZeŠ, o.s., partners PL - Zespol szkol nr.1in Kedziedrzyn-Koźle, SK - HOS Bardejov, GR - Municipality of PrevezaNumber of participants: 60 (51 young and 9 leaders) Type of the project: Erasmus+ mobility of the youth in the countries of the programmeMain topic and objective: our activities are aimed to improvement of relations among young people; we want to provide them with opportunity to experience and do positive things; we want them to think about the value chain. Our important goal is to support their self-confidence and teach them to spend their time in active manner. These project objectives are identical with those related to the civic association.Our educational objectives are related to teaching young people to talk and think about their needs, leading them to nice behaviour in their mutual contact, talking about the rules of ethic behaviour as well as the differences and specificities of gender groups and also improving their locomotive skills through dancing.We would like to contribute to remove barriers in general relations among people while taking greater attention to young people who are less self-confident and find themselves on the edge of the group; we would like to contribute to greater tolerance and open the topic of self-development for the young people as a way of how to grow up in the future. We endeavour for awakening active interest in the local community of people, interest in traditions and culture of European countries.The project objective in particular is aimed to make the young people understanding what the bad behaviour and bad patterns of behaviour among young people are about. We want to show them an alternative. While taking this project, we want to concentrate on active motion and gender differences. Dancing is an ideal mediator because it combines joyous motion, perception of both male and female roles, rules of good behaviour, leisure time activities and membership in a local community; dancing also helps to overcome barriers and borders, whether those linguistic, intercultural or personal.The camp shall include lectures about informal ways of education, ethic behaviour, 5 lessons of dance workshops, facilitated discussions about gender differences and problems of young people, excursions taken as examples of traditions and culture of a host country and then of course other activities of informal education such as icebreakers, energisers, evaluation, reflection, so-called guess-moment. At the end we will organize a dance ball held at Agii Apostoli.There will be groups of young people from four European countries involved in the project. Together with their leading organizations, they will primarily experience the local community of Preveza due to the fact that the camp is to be organized near Preveza. However, they will partly experience the local community of partner organizations through spreading the results of this project - as inspiration and experience.As regarding the international community should participate the dance lector from Cuba and the dance teachers from Slovakia and Greece , as regarding the Czech local community, the project shall be participated by the Sport club, Secondary School of Agriculture (which provides facilities for the project), wide public, parents as well as teachers who may enjoy such youth activity as an opportunity for refreshment and learning new things. We will also inform the media, extending the idea of Erasmus+ Youth program across the Opava region. We might bring inspiration to other youth group which will prepare their own project.The project called “Common Europe.” will also be presented to young people in Opava, Kedziedrzyn-Koźle, Preveza and Bardejov, which provides this project with greater international dimension. This is how we are going to create a network of international partners of the civil association, while offering our members experience that they can obtain by mutual exchange of experience with young people from foreign countries focused on the the same topics only.



3 Participants partenaires