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CO-FUNDED Brain Circulation Scheme
Date du début: 1 avr. 2012,
Date de fin: 31 mars 2017
TUBITAK, the leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research and development (R&D) in Turkey, proposes a new fellowship programme called ‘CO-FUNDED Brain Circulation Scheme’. This scheme aims at providing Experienced Researchers (ER’s) of any nationality with funding for incoming mobility for periods of 20-24 months. All funded fellows will be appointed under an employment contract, and will receive adequate funding and full social security coverage, in line with provisions in the Charter and Code.The Co-Circulation Scheme aims at enhancing career perspectives of ER’s and to assist them in obtaining an independent research position. ER’s will be appointed a mentor, and will be required to draw up and keep updated a Career Development Plan. The scheme has a bottom-up approach, and fellows are encouraged to submit proposals that fit best to their professional development needs.Support is provided to applicants during the application process. Applications will be assessed by independent, international peer review panels. The evaluation criteria and process are clearly detailed and transparent and the selection and balance of experts is in line with the provisions in the Charter and Code. Following 4 calls for proposals, 100 fellowships will be awarded. TUBITAK has ample experience and infrastructure to follow-up the results of the evaluation and to monitor and review the execution of the individual projects and the entire project.The Co-Circulation Scheme will fill a gap in the current funding opportunities offered by TUBITAK and fully supports the Science and Technology policies of Turkey. It will make a strategic impact on TUBITAK’s funding schemes and on the Turkish research landscape. The Co-Circulation Scheme is also fully supportive of the objectives of the activity heading Life-long learning and career development, and of other European policies.
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