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CityBound Europe Youth Exchange 2017
Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

CityBound Europe Youth Exchanges 2017 are the continuation of the mission of City Bound Europe Network, which is created by eight NGOs from different European countries, gathered by the comnnon aim of bringing Europe closer to young people and by this building integrated European society. In order to reach this aims our Network organises several activities for youngsters in member countries all over the Europe. During theses seven-days-long City Bound Youth Exchanges young people in age 13-17 will work together to achieve the following aims of the Network:- to raise awareness on European citizenship, which means strengthen feeling of belonging to society of Europe as a whole, - to raise awareness on common European culture, by breaking up national divisions and searching for universal values ,- to promote active citizenship, voluntary work and involvement of young people, by showing them tools to act – this is the long term aim of the project. Our activities will show the young people possibilities how to get involved in their societies. We hope to prove them that voluntarily work is not a waste of time, but a key of self-development and development of the civil society,- to consolidate solidarity, understanding, tolerance and cohesion among European society – in order to achieve this aim the Network consist of members from countries with different history, traditions and habits. The project consists of 5 international youth exchanges: City Bound Prague in March 2017, City Bound Cluj in July 2017, City Bound Berlin in August 2017, City Bound Reus in August 2017 and City Bound Berlin in October 2017.Exchanges will be implemented by the international team of leaders and fill with the high adventure activities, team building and cooperation tasks, physical and social challenges. Participants will raise they awareness and knowledge about European issues throughout sport activities, simulations, role-plays and group discussions.



6 Participants partenaires