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Chudoba a zamestnanie
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 31 août 2016
The mission of this project is to find innovative approaches to tackling youth unemployment with special needs at risk of poverty and social exclusion in accordance with their needs and expectations in context of real possibilities of the labor market through the use of participatory approaches and methods based also on ICT . The project specifically focuses on the socio-occupational and career counseling for 100 young people with special needs at risk of poverty as a result of their unemployment, as a pilot project in Pezinok and Senec ( 55 young disabled people living in their households, 25 special primary and secondary school disabled pupils and 20 disabled young clients living in supported facilities). 30 employers obligated to employ people with disabilities and 23 municipal and local governments will take part in counseling aimed to creation of innovative business models and more efficient use of replacement transactions targeted support selected a sheltered workshop and their specific disabled young workers from the region and the creation of new jobs for young people with special needs directly at their workplace. Supported employment model innovation lies in the combination of social work and counselling ( IPRO and IAPZ ) provided by 20 young volunteers - students work psychology and social work (most of them are disabled a or from poor families) in a tandem group work and field social work under supervision and the development of methodologies and forms reflected in the electronic case filing system of social client intersectoral collaboration and expertise to design proposals for practice at national and transnational level . Thanks to the cross-sectoral national and multinational strategic partnership we want to increase the capacity and professionalism of the work of youth workers in Slovakia and in EU, to strengthen cooperation in education and training of youth in accordance with innovative solutions for the labor market.
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