Rechercher des projets européens

Children of the Rain / Yağmurun Çocukları
Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The United Nations declares "Persons with disabilities are entitled to exercise their civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights on an equal basis with others under all the international treaties. The full participation of persons with disabilities benefits society as their individual contributions enrich all spheres of life and this is an integral part of individual's and society's well-being and progress for a society for all - with or without disabilities." under the fundamental human rights of persons with disabilities. The Erasmus+ Programme aims at promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating the access to participants with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities compared to their peers whenever disadvantage limits or prevents participation in transnational activities for reasons such as: disability, educational difficulties, economic obstacles, cultural differences, health problems, social obstacles and geographical obstacles. Our Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project, "Children of the Rain" aims to facilitate their integration in the social life and provide new skills with fun activities. Thus, 1 volunteer from Slovenia, 1 volunteer from Portugal,1 volunteer from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1 volunteer from Spain and 1 volunteer from Italy, 5 volunteers in total, between 17 - 30 years old, will come to Sinop, Turkey to provide disabled people new skills in different 59-day periods (short term). Each volunteer will generate new methods in order to provide them at least one new skill by implementing with them and later they will evaluate them. The methods which will be generated by them will be online at SALTO Toolbox for Training. Therefore they will be an alternative tool for the institutions, organisations or persons that are working for the disabled people. Our volunteers will generate these tools after they are provided with the basic competences of SEN and tools for methodology selection. All these new competences will be given to them through the methods of Non-Formal Education in the mentor meetings. In these meetings, they will be also given personal identification tests, Dimensions of Culture, Communication in Intercultural Context, Stages of Intercultural Learning and Intercultural Competence. Our activities will end with overall evaluation, SWOT analysis and presentation of Youthpass. Being a disabled person is not a choice. They are the children who came with the rain. Our Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project "Children of the Rain" will embrace the children who came with the rain and be an umbrella for them.



5 Participants partenaires