Rechercher des projets européens

Children and Youth Multicultural Education
Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project „Children and Youth Multicultural Education” will allow volunteers from European countries to become actively involved in the activities of Krakow’s educational institutions , freeing their creativity, local and civic activity . Thanks to the project the young people whose frequent problem in Europe today is unemployment will increase their competence and language skills and those associated with the animation activities for children and young people. They’ll raise their competencies associated with intercultural learning and increase their chances on the labor market . Volunteers by taking part in the daily work of their host organizations will learn the organization of work in the Polish educational institution , methods of work and tools. The project will be attended by 14 volunteers aged 18-30 years from Spain, Italy, Germany , France and Austria from UE countries and Ukraine, Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina form Partners countries. The project will last 9 months. The aim of project is to provide a European youth opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes through the work in the Polish educational institutions involved in formal and informal education , to create new dynamics of international cooperation in these institutions and to enable intercultural learning of the participants as volunteers and the people with whom they will be working . The project is aimed at the development of social capital and potential of young people , identifying new ways of lifelong learning , acquire new skills so professional and linguistic and also at developing the experience and look for future work. The project will take place in seven Cracow's hosting organizations: kindergarten , elementary school, Youth Culture Center, Regional Library and NGO. In the host organizations volunteers will have two main tasks: active participation in the daily life of their organization and give the intercultural dimension in the activities of their projects by conducting their own creative animations and workshops. They will also take an active part in all the activities of international and national coordinating organization, aimed at promoting the mobility of young people . Project activities will include a lot of trainings , meetings, discussions , presentations, as well as participants own work on the preparation of their own actions, and learning Polish language (in a language school and during conversations) and English (at international meetings) Mobility of young people and work for the Polish organization will raise the competence and skills of the participants, increasing their chances on the labor market . It will also help them to search for work outside their country, in particular in Poland. It will allow to establish the international friendship often for entire life. The project will stimulate the local community to be open to the others , to a foreign language, different look and changing attitudes to be more tolerant . The project will help Polish institutions which, through collaboration with volunteers, will develope their competences and raise the level of communication. As a result they will become more open to international cooperation. Cooperation between sending and coordinating organizations will build a network of links between NGOs across Europe.



19 Participants partenaires