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"Chancengleichheit und Heterogenität - jedem Kind ..
"Chancengleichheit und Heterogenität - jedem Kind in seiner individuellen Lebenslage gerecht werden und es bestmöglich fördern und fordern"
Date du début: 4 sept. 2016,
Date de fin: 3 sept. 2017
We have chosen the project subject "Heterogeneity and equal opportunities - fulfil the demands of each child in his personal life situation, help them and make demands on them" ecause the heterogeneity of our primary pupils is extremely high. Our school is "Brennpunktschule" (school with many socially weak children). Many children come from socially weak and educational-distant families whit very limited support.. Others have migration background and grow up in families in which the mother or even both parents don´t speak German . There are very different learning difficulties (ADHS, ADS, autism, Dyskalkulie, Legasthenie, learning difficulties, perception disturbances, concentration lack, disregard. . . ) based on different circumstances and as far as possible we want to manage them individually.To meet professionally these learning deficits, it requires for us to an advanced training for the support of the social competence and the acquisition new learning technologies. We need ideas as we can strengthen the peaceful cooperation and develop. Moreover, we need a wide spectrum of expertise in the area of the psychology of learning and a variety in methodical-didactic possibilities. The children must learn furthermore to suppose other in such a way as he is to meet him with respect and trust and to avoid conflicts. Social learning is quite an important component of our high-quality work at school. Children develop self-confidence, assurance and initiative if they are facing a peaceful, esteeming and attractive learning surroundings, which is developing and challenging them according to their abilities . Such a personality development has big influence on the setting to the learning and therefore on the further school career. We have had first success by seminar visits of other suppliers, but we would like to go even further to this direction and have chosen to us the seminar with the subject "new resources for the lessons" which covers our need. We could not find this form of the seminar in our country and we see a huge potential to participate of the experience from other European colleagues who take part with the same interests in a many-sided and difficult subject. We can exchange ideas, structures compare, discuss positions and a lot of each other learn. Two person will attend this seminar: the headmistress who has already attended the first seminar and a colleague who has already networked with teachers in Finland.Our multiplier's team which will visit the advanced trainings exists of 2 people who have worked out important aspects on this subject already in the approach together with the other teachers from the same and surrounding schools. Both participants will balance the seminar contents with an aim catalogue and an idea list with suggestions and wishes of sides of the colleagues and parents and support her Evaluation on it. The knowledge acquired anew with all his ideas and practical conversion possibilities will be transferred to other colleagues as well as parents and pupils. Additionally the gained information should be transferred to other schools in the wider area. Therefore all parties will benefit from the training.The seminar will give us the chance to learn from different ideas and approaches of other European countries and to establish a European network. Stepping out of the day to day experience will open our mind; improve our motivation and our personality to improve the quality of the lessons and the educational targets.We expect that by participating in the seminar and the realization of the project our teaching quality considerably increases which is strengthened social cooperation, improve the accessibility to pupils and will enhance their school career and their overall development.
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