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CC: Challenging Communication
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

A good ability to communicate is nowadays crucial in every sphere of our life: to have healthy personal relations, to be successful in our studies, to access new job positions, to exercise social leadership or to transfer our ideas into bigger groups and audiences. This becomes specially relevant when working as leaders with groups of youngsters: communication becomes a crucial aspect in each stage of the activities and it clearly influences the dynamics and motivation of the groups and its individuals. Different elements configure this competence of a youth leader: to do it precise, empathic, nonviolent, involving and adapted to the audience, the context and the different styles of learner. In this sense, the overall aim of the Training Course "CC:Challenging Communication" was to increase youth workers capacities to communicate and to transfer messages in their work with youngsters, as well as to reflect and increase the self-awareness of each individual’s communication style, especially in the youth work areas. More precisely, the objectives of the Training Course were: • To explore and understand different techniques of communication, with special focus on youth work; • To provide a safe space to practice and develop personal competences in public speaking with youth; • To practice different types of communication with youngsters -one to one, with groups, during team meetings, for campaigning, on conflict/crisis, etc.- • To integrate the logics of nonviolent communication as a transversal element and apply it; • To develop projects addressing communication issues in organizations and communities. A variety of educational tools and methods of non-formal learning and interactive, participant-orientated approaches as role plays, simulations, workshops, exercises theater tools, debate sessions and presentations were combined during the Activity. Strongly connected with the educational outcomes of the activity, the impacts were as follows: - Participants gained capacity to communicate in their daily work with youth and youth organizations; - Participants understood the different types of communication and its challenges, peculiarities; - Participants developed their general communication competences and increased their leadership. - Participants developed their capacities as project manager/leaders and gained skills to implement future actions; - Participants developed their international network of young leaders or youth workers, and are connected with them for future actions. - Members of the organizations gained capacities to communicate in the field of youth and at organizational level; - Organizations enhanced their international network and established a base for future cooperation amongst them; - Organizations gained visibility and international recognition thanks to their participation in an activity of this type. The Training Course took place in The Hague, The Netherlands from the 26th of July until the 2nd of August 2015. 24 participants from Spain, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Bulgaria and The Netherlands gathered during 7 days, excluding 1 travel day.



7 Participants partenaires