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Cartagena, finding our Youth Space.
Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

EVS group project -Cartagena, finding our Youth Space- is part of the cultural intervention program aimed at promoting youth Cartagena Youth Department and coordinates the Socio-Cultural Association maker. It is a group EVS project which has involved two European volunteers from Germany and France, the duration of the EVS Activity has been nine months from October 1, 2014 to July 1, 2015. The main issues have been addressed in this project are Youth (participation, youth work and youth policy), the information technology and communication and teaching / learning foreign languages, cross all issues that have been present in the scheduled activities. This program aims to promote a social space for cultural exchanges and create a European dimension at all levels, working democratic values, youth participation in our society, European citizenship, etc. are all aspects which help the development of a European consciousness. The involvement of volunteers has taken place also in social local neighborhoods where activities aimed at preventing social exclusion are made, that is avoiding as far as possible discrimination on socio-economic, cultural, religious, etc. . This project is basically composed of two main activities, which are framed in four different programs: Language Exchange, InfoViaje, Botika Book and Implica2. These programs are included in the area of ​​socio-cultural, non-formal education, multilingualism, participation and youth work. The working methods have been the characteristic of the non-formal education, work techniques and activities that promote youth participation and revitalize the social fabric, social and cultural activities, etc. There has been a local impact in the community where Cartagena has generated exchange and intercultural dialogue between and with young people, motivating the knowledge, respect and closeness to other cultures. Among the possible benefits we include the added value and higher quality operation of the programs that frame the activities of volunteers and the possibility of developing other projects of international mobility in the Erasmus + -Youth in Action Programme.



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