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Career Tree
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Effective career guidance workshops give an input and motivation for further learning and can help to avoid making ill-considered decisions on further career and education. It of great importance due to recent high unemployment rates among young people. According to statistics young people are falling behind the rest of society in the job market and are bearing the brunt of rising unemployment. Many young people leave education inadequately prepared for the world of work, lacking basic skills required for the workplace and with limited career guidance. There is a need for skills and education reform and improving training schemes for young people so that they are better prepared for the world of work. Youth unemployment is a concern for individuals and for society. In youth has a lasting impact on future career prospects and future earning potential. It further increases the vulnerability of young people to mental health issues such as depression and limits young people’s personal and skills development. The main aim of the project is to raise the quality of the process aimed to define capacities, aptitudes and professional interests of secondary/vocational schools students and adults, and conducting career guidance and career planning through creation of a modern (standardized on a representative group) modular system for analysis, diagnosis and education guidance of career that would support the work of career counselors. Project consortium consists of 5 partner institutions from 5 countries. WSEI (Poland) – Project Leader is a higher education institution (private university); Bahcesehir University (Turkey) is a higher education institution (non-state university); KADIS (Slovenia) is a service provider in the area of career guidance and HR; Associaciao Baobab (Spain) is a non-profit organization; Polish Psychologists’ Association (UK) is a registered charity. All partners are experienced and posses extensive knowledge in career guidance services, training, research, systems and strategies for the development of the Human Resources in the organizations, employing high class psychologists and career counselors. Project will be divided into the following phases, during which, the modular system will be developed: Phase 1 – Development of model of predispositions and leading competences for professions, Phase 2 – Development of modular system for diagnosis, analysis and education guidance for career, Phase 3 – Preparation of an on-line version of the tool, Phase 4 – Pilot testing, Phase 5 – Psychometric validation and tool standardization. Prince2 Methodology will be used. Project Leader will be responsible for managing and reporting on the project’s cost and deadlines throughout the duration of the project, for preparation of the description of each phase of project's implementation, planning of the timeline for each task, and resources needed to implement each project's task by the project team. Key results of the project: model of predispositions and leading competencies for professions, modular system for diagnosis, analysis and education guidance of career, handbook for diagnostic tool, personal portfolio for participant career, methodical guidebook for career counselor. Project will trigger modernization of career guidance services offered by European institutions on the market.



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