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Capacity building of Human Resource for Health in Slovakia for International Development Aid

The main aim of the project was to enhance human capacity building in Slovakia and broader region of Eastern and Southern Europe for work within projects of international development cooperation through developing and pilot-implementing a training program specifically designed for such purposes at the Trnava University in Slovakia.Specific objectives:• To establish a training program to train Slovakian medical, public health and social work staff for work on projects of international development aid based on existing similar programs of the Royal Tropical Institute of the Netherlands and Horizon3000 of Austria.• To train a team of Slovakian experts to be involved in the established training program as teachers and instructors.• To pilot implement and evaluate the established training program with involvement of trained Slovakian teachers and instructors on a group of Slovakian trainees under a supervision and with coaching support of experts from the Royal Tropical Institute of the Netherlands and Horizon3000 of Austria.The consortium consists of three partners. The applicant – the Trnava University offers studies in public health, social work and nursing. The faculty has a tradition in implementing projects of international development aid with special focus on public health, medical and social work. The Royal Tropical Institute (RTI) is one of Europe’s top level organizations both implementing projects of international development aid worldwide as well as training experts to work within such projects. Horizont3000 is an Austria-based organization with high expertise and experience in the same field.



2 Participants partenaires