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Burgos Solidaria 2014
Date du début: 4 août 2014, Date de fin: 4 oct. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our EVS project involved 3 volunteers coming from 3 different countries (Italy, England and France). They participated for 9 months, since November 2014 within AMYCOS and the city of Burgos and its province. In detail, the volunteers worked closely with AMYCOS’s staff and they had the opportunity to learn according with the methodology of the “learning by doing”. They were involved in and assigned amongst the three main action lines of the NGO in the following activities: • The Development Education and Awareness, for people from the local community, by helping the organization and startup of courses, workshops and different types of events with the objective of knowing and promoting solidarity values. • The Social Action, AMYCOS, collaborating with other organizations in Burgos, carrying out daily support for immigrants and people of the city in conditions of scarcity through a work of assistance and care, school support learning, language classes and leisure activities. • The promotion of local and international volunteering, through the creation of educational and cultural events, the development of draft cooperation projects and generic fundraising activities to sponsor and support the running of projects, and the development of new ideas In this project the volunteers carried out an important role in a designated area because they lived a continuous cultural exchange with the users as well as with the workers and volunteers of Amycos. They contributed with their own point of view in the execution of the activities and evaluations, acting as witnesses to an international mobility European project. The grant amount funded by the Spanish National Agency had been important for carrying out activities ensuring a high level of quality and the personal monitoring of the volunteers.



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3 Participants partenaires